

演講與口才 閲讀(1.88W)

1. Dream big. Strive to create the best talk you have ever given. Reveal something never seen before. Do something the audience will remember forever. Share an idea that could change the world.給自己一個高目標,要把這個演講做成你最成功的一個演講。你可以向觀眾展示某些未曾公開展示的東西或做出能夠讓觀眾留下深刻印象的事情。分享一個有可能改變世界的想法。


2. Show us the real you. Share your passions, your dreams ... and also your fears. Be vulnerable. Speak of failure as well as success.展示一個最真實的你。分享你的激情、夢想,乃至恐懼。不要把自己當成是完美無缺的,你可以講成功的故事,也可以講失敗的故事。

3. Make the complex plain. Don't try to dazzle intellectually. Don't speak in abstractions. Explain! Give examples. Tell stories. Be specific.簡單化。千萬不要吹自己多麼博學,不要用抽象的言辭來表達。你要解釋為何會是這樣。多講點故事,講得清楚一點。

4. Connect with people's emotions. Make us laugh! Make us cry!要説得動人一點,使得觀眾聽了會發出由衷的微笑或感動到禁不住要哭泣。

5. Don't flaunt your ego. Don't boast. It’s the surest way to switch everyone off.不要自吹自擂。那樣做的話,最容易嚇跑觀眾。

6. No selling from the stage! Unless we have specifically asked you to, do not talk about your company or organization. And don't even think about pitching your products or services or asking for funding from stage.台上不能推銷!除非事先有通知,否則不可談論你的公司或組織。更別指望在台上展示你的產品。

7. Feel free to comment on other speakers, to praise or to criticize. Controversy energizes! Enthusiastic endorsement is powerful!要給其他演講嘉賓一定的迴應,可以贊可以彈。意見之對立才會擦出思維之火火嘛。激情的'參與本身的力量就是這麼強大的。

8. If possible, don't read your talk. Notes are fine. But if the choice is between reading or rambling, then read!除非萬不得已,否則不要照着講稿閲讀。當然可以看自己寫的小紙片。但假如不看講稿你會表述得含糊不清的話,那還是看着稿子講吧。

9. You must end your talk on time. Doing otherwise is to steal time from the people that follow you. We won’t allow it.必須在規定的時間內説完。因為超時就意味着剝奪了其他人的時間。這是不允許的。

10. Rehearse your talk in front of a trusted friend ... for timing, for clarity, for impact.為了保證演講準時、清晰、高質量,我們希望你提前跟朋友一起做試講。